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An illustration of a timeline, showing from 1999 to 2024, including: a Wifi symbol, an iPhone, the facebook logo, the millau viaduct, a camera phone, a map with a pin in it, the Shard, the Olympic Stadium, a four legged yellow robot holding a martini in its end effector, the TikTok logo, a sun shining on solar panels, a space telescope, the TfL roundel in purple, a burger in a petri dish, spiky virus particles next to a syringe, and a cut through of an optical cable undersea,
© Benjamin Leon for Ingenia

From 1999 to 2024: an engineering timeline

We selected some of the biggest milestones across the spectrum of engineering, looking back from when Ingenia was born in 1999, to 2024. What do you think? Tell us your thoughts via the hashtag #IngeniaMag...
An illustration of a timeline, showing from 1999 to 2010, including: a wifi symbol, the front and back of a camera phone, the Millau Viaduct, a mobile phone receiving an email, a map with a pin coming out, a smartphone with an apple symbol on the screen, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, and an electric sports car with a charging cable next to it

© Benjamin Leon for Ingenia 


  • First WiFi enabled consumer devices launched


  • The first camera phone, the Sharp J-SH04, is released


  • Apple's iPod changed the way people listen to music on the go, and heralded the beginnings of personalised pocket devices


  • First 3G network launched, allowing people to send photos, emails and more (as opposed to just texts and phone calls)


  • Rollout of first cloud computing services, allowing data to be stored on the cloud as opposed to hardware servers


  • Human genome sequence mapped for the first time, paving the way for gene editing technologies


  • The world's tallest bridge, the Millau Viaduct was built in 2004;
  • Launch of Facebook, which paved the way for facial recognition and a new generation of social media platforms, such as Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok
  • Launch of NASA Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.


  • Google Maps born, exploiting geographic information systems (GIS), which has since been transformational for construction and planning
  • Launch of YouTube, the world's first video streaming platform


  • iPhone launched
  • HS1 complete, enabling first high-speed train journeys from London to Paris via the Channel Tunnel Rail Link
  • Digital construction bursts onto the scene as the 'Water Cube' completed in Beijing ahead of the 2008 Olympics. The structure was a landmark in digital prototyping, via building information modelling technology.


  • Euphoria gaming software enables on-the-fly, real-time animations of non-player characters, lending an immersive experience to games like GTA IV
  • An electric vehicle with lithium-ion batteries, the Tesla Roadster, is the first to go into production


  • Retractable roof built at Wimbledon Centre Court so play could continue uninterrupted by rain for the first time


  • Burj Khalifa, UAE completed
  • First commercial space flights, opening up space access beyond massive government agencies such as NASA
An illustration of a timeline, showing from 2011 to 2024, including: the Shard, the Olympic Stadium, a four legged yellow robot holding a martini in its end effector, the TikTok logo, a sun shining on solar panels, a space telescope, the TfL roundel in purple, a burger in a petri dish, spiky virus particles next to a syringe, and a cut through of an optical cable undersea,

© Benjamin Leon for Ingenia 


  • ARM launches big.LITTLE, the powerful yet low-energy chip architecture behind significantly thinner smartphones with longer battery life
  • E-sports born as Twitch launches


  • The Shard completed, at the time the tallest building in Europe and remains tallest in the UK at 310m
  • Raspberry Pi launches its model B computer, sparking a revolution in low-cost computing
  • Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park completed in East London ahead of 2012 Summer Olympics


  • First lab-grown burgers served and eaten by Prof Mark Post at a press conference in London


  • First predictive text engine based on AI 


  • Boston Dynamics launches Spot the robot dog
  • Hong Kong's Hanson Robotics launches Sophia the humanoid social robot


  • TikTok launches


  • Google announced quantum supremacy, when its quantum computer performed a calculation impossible for a conventional computer


  • Years of research come together enabling rapid rollout of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines
  • Solar becomes cheapest electricity in history


  • Launch of James Webb Space Telescope - the successor to Hubble - that unfolded like origami in space
  • By 2021, over 1.3 million kilometres of submarine cables had been laid worldwide, carrying 99.5% of internet traffic.


  • OpenAI publicly releases ChatGPT-3.5
  • Elizabeth Line opens


  • Gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 approved to treat sickle cell disease and beta thalassaemia


  • Man receives first pig kidney transplant

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