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Who's exploring the latest medical robots to make procedures easier for doctors (and easier on patients)? Or helping fight climate change by developing the clean energy technologies we so desperately need? Creating materials that can replace polluting plastics? Figuring out how to build with a much lower carbon footprint?

Engineers are. 

By covering these and other critical engineering stories, Ingenia is contributing to the Royal Academy of Engineering's goal for engineering to be at the heart of a sustainable society and inclusive economy.

We aim to show how engineering makes a difference and helps to shape the future.

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Editorial board

Ingenia’s editorial board includes a selection of Academy Fellows with a diverse range of engineering backgrounds, as well as several science communications and journalism professionals. The editorial board reviews all content published by Ingenia and is supported by the Academy's Director of Communications and Engagement and Publications team.

The current line-up is:

White woman with blonde hair looks at the camera

Faith Wainwright has spent much of her career at Arup, where she led multidisciplinary teams on iconic building projects with world-leading architects. She was also instrumental in establishing Arup University. 

She was President of the Institution of Structural Engineers in 2018, served as an industrial member of the civil engineering panels of the RAE2008 and REF2014 research assessment exercises, is a panel member for UKRI’s RED Fund, and a Trustee of the Ove Arup Foundation.

At the Royal Academy of Engineering, Faith has served on the Trustee Board, Membership Panel, Ingenious committee, and the Engineering Policy Centre Committee. She holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bath and is an Honorary Fellow of St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford.

Professor David Delpy originally trained as a physicist and following a short spell in industry, spent 35 years at University College London (UCL) specialising in the development of techniques for the physiological monitoring of patients, especially newborns. He is most well-known for his developments in NIR (near-infrared) spectroscopy and NIR imaging of oxygenation and metabolism in the brain.

After seven years as Research Vice Provost, he left UCL in 2007 to become the Chief Executive of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, stepping down in March 2014. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Medical Photonics UCL, Honorary Treasurer and Council member at the Institute of Physics and a member of the Home Office Science Advisory Council.

A smiling white woman with glasses and short hair, wearing a grey blazer, looks at the camera

Ginny Clarke is Chair of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund, which aims to foster improvements in the engineering, management, design and use of roads to deliver safer, more environmentally sensitive, more aesthetically pleasing and more enjoyable outcomes. She has worked in local and central government on a variety of road and transport projects specialising in standards for road bridges, network planning and project management. In 2001 she became the Chief Highway Engineer for the Highways Agency, responsible for road standards, safety and research. She was the UK’s First Delegate at the World Roads Association for six years. In 2014, as Strategy Director, Ginny took the lead in developing the first Road Investment Strategy and legislation for the new Highways England company.


Ginny is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. In addition to being on Ingenia’s editorial board, she is a member of the Academy’s Membership Committee and Chair of the Transport and Mechanical Membership Selection Panel.

Professor Yulong Ding is the founding Chamberlain Chair of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham and Director of the Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage.

He invented liquid air energy storage technology and developed composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage. His work on passively cooled container technology has been on large-scale commercial demonstration for cold chain transportation applications. 

He has published over 450 technical papers and filed over 70+ patents.

Professor Ding was awarded the IChemE Clean Energy Medal and the IChemE Global Awards in three categories: energy, research project and outstanding achievement. He also received the Distinguished Energy Storage Individual Award at Beijing International Energy Storage and Expo; Research Chair in cryogenic energy storage from the Royal Academy of Engineering; and Energy and Environment Award and Technology and Innovation Grand Prix Award from The Engineer.

A Chartered Physicist and Chartered Environmentalist as well as a Chartered Engineer, Doug King brings a scientific approach and environmental sensitivity to the design of buildings.

He has been the engineer behind numerous groundbreaking buildings worldwide including: Sainsbury’s Greenwich; the Genzyme Centre in Cambridge, Massachusetts; the Innovate Green Office in Leeds; and the UN EcoBuilding in Podgorica, Montenegro.

Doug writes and teaches widely on building physics and sustainability in the built environment.

Man wearing glasses looks at the camera

Stuart Nathan has been writing about science, engineering and technology for over 30 years. He completed a degree in chemistry at the University of Nottingham in 1991, after struggling for a year with the maths content of a chemical engineering course and finally admitting defeat. After graduating he translated a hobby into a career by starting as editorial assistant at Chemistry and Industry magazine. His career then took him to Process Engineering magazine, and then to The Engineer, where he stayed for 15 years, nine of those as features editor, before going freelance.

Stuart enjoys reading and writing fiction set in the past and future, and has been an avid fan of fantasy and science fiction films, television and comics for as long as he can remember. Like many chemists, he is a keen cook and baker and makes a mean sourdough loaf. He has never outgrown his love of dinosaurs; his favourite is Alcedo atthis, descended from those that survived the extinction event and better known as the European kingfisher. He also plays in two quiz leagues, sings tenor in a non-religious choir, and can frequently be found haunting art galleries.

Dr Anna Ploszajski is an award-winning materials scientist, writer, presenter, podcaster, performer, trainer and storyteller based in London. She is a materials generalist, equally fascinated by merino wool as stainless steel, through all the wonderful metals, plastics, ceramics, glasses and natural substances that make up our material world.

Anna channels this passion by storytelling with materials on the screen, radio, stage and page; her first book, Handmade: A Scientist’s Search for Meaning Through Making, was released in May 2021. She has also been published by the Guardian, The Times Higher Education Supplement, and Materials World.

Anna can often be found London’s pub basements performing stand-up comedy about materials and making. She also frequents science festivals across the country entertaining families with demo-packed shows.

Having developed her own unique blend of autobiographical and technical science communication, Anna now trains professional scientists and engineers and school students in the art of scientific storytelling. She has won numerous prestigious industry awards for her work, including Young Engineer of the Year from the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Silver Medal from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. In 2019 Anna was runner-up in the Nesta Tipping Point Prize science writing competition, with a piece on 4D materials. 

In her spare time, Anna plays the trumpet in a funk and soul covers band called Don’t Freak Out and is an ultra-endurance open water swimmer; she swam the English Channel in July 2018. Oh, and it’s pronounced “Por-shy-ski”.

Professor Jian Kang FREng

Professor Raymond Oliver FREng

Jo Trigg

Director of Communications and Engagement, Royal Academy of Engineering

Gemma Hummerston

Senior Editorial and Brand Manager, Royal Academy of Engineering

Florence Downs

Editorial Manager, Royal Academy of Engineering